03:15:13 – Hatchechubbee Creek, AL


a-IMGP7986This is a beautiful creek with ancient seashells embedded in the cliff banks.

a-IMGP7987 a-IMGP7988 I found an egg floating in the cold water. This little guy didn’t make it.

a-IMGP7991 a-IMGP7993 a-IMGP7994 a-IMGP7999 aa-IMGP7997 a-IMGP8000 aa-IMGP8003 a-IMGP8002 a-IMGP8004 a-IMGP8005After the paddle we had daylight left and explored the area around Omaha, GA.

a-IMGP8006 a-IMGP8007 a-IMGP8012An Abandoned train bridge shows it’s beauty but a stink was in the air from a field using chick crap for fertilizer. It was FOUL!

a-IMGP8014 a-IMGP8015An unchecked fire burning near Omaha, GA. The poor town was covered in smoke.

a-IMGP8018 a-IMGP8019Dead track in Omaha, GA