07:19:13 – Big Haynes Creek, GA



It was back to the Yellow river this week. Jeromie and I put in higher up stream from my last post on 06:28:13. It rained hard the night before and a lot of water was flowing swiftly by.  We fought the current upstream for a few miles before sliding off into Big Haynes Creek. The last time I was here this creek was a trickle. Today it was bleeding over into the surrounding flood plain.  We paddled through a watery maze. Deer were seen bounding through the thicket. We crossed under a bridge and portaged over a pump station dam. On the other side was a wild looking wetland.  Dead trees clipped  by some long ago storm sprinkled the landscape.  Lilly pads of emerald green formed islands in the stream. I felt like we were in the Okefenokee swamp yet this was an urban area.  We saw trails in the woods with descriptive markers. There was an observation deck. Come to find out, we had unexpectedly ventured into the Georgia International Horse Park. The wetland here is impressive; 4 stars. After hanging out a bit, we carried on up the creek for another mile or so until dead fall blocked the path forward. Despite all the rain in the forecast this season we enjoyed a day of summer sunshine in cool fresh water.

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